Page 46 - 2019 Auto Show Guide
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We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t win if you don’t play!” Well, we’d like to change
it up a bit to “You can’t collect if you don’t connect!” Staying connected on social media
is a part of our daily lives, and it’s a great way to add to the enjoyment of the Atlanta
International Auto Show. Many connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
YouTube, as well as our official mobile app.
The show’s hashtag, #AIAS18, was heavily tagged in posts by attendees, reaching thousands across the
social media realm. Our annual Photography contest drew a lot of participation, with entrants tagging
their show photos for a chance at winning Photo of the Day. At the end of the show, a vote was held to
select the Grand Prize Winner. Entering the contest was simple: attendees took a photo and captioned
it with #AIAS18. The more photos taken, the better the chances of winning.
As you can imaging, we got a lot of photos to pick from. No easy
task, but we selected a winner for each day that we felt best
represented the show. Each of the daily winners won eight tickets
to the 2019 show (a $96 value). They also scored a display of their
image right here in the 2019 Official Show Guide.
Following the 2018 show, the photos were posted online, and
the voting began to select the Grand Prize Winner. In addition to
the eight tickets won for the daily contest, the Grand Prize winner
received a $50 Visa Gift Card and top billing in the 2019 Official
Show Guide. So, take a look at last year’s winners and be sure to
join in the fun this year!