Page 13 - 2024 Auto Show Guide
P. 13

MAP OUT YOUR VISIT                             RESPECT THE

                             When you enter the exhibit hall, you’ll be roughly in the
                             middle of the show floor. Without a plan of attack, it’s easy
                             to  miss  some  things  along  the  way.       It should go without saying, but please be respectful of the
                             34-35. Pick a starting point and work          vehicles and other exhibits on the show floor. Take care not
                             your way around the show floor, not-           to let buttons, zippers, and other metal objects scratch the
                             ing key exhibits you’d like                    finishes of the vehicles, and please do not take food and
                             to visit.                                      beverage into the interiors. The manufacturers encourage
                                                                            you to open doors and get inside (unless otherwise noted),
                                                                            so please be mindful.

                             TAKE PHOTOS                                    ASK

                             & VIDEOS                                       QUESTIONS

                             Just  about  everybody  carries  a  smart  phone,  and  they
                             come  equipped  with  fairly  good  cameras,  these  days.
                             You’ll see lots of eye candy around the show floor, from the   There will be manufacturers’ reps on hand at each
                             latest trendy vehicles to classics and exotics, so be sure
                             you capture those to enjoy later. Additionally, photos and   display, and they are there to help you explore their
                             videos help if you’re in the process of evaluating your next   products. Be sure to ask them questions about the
                             vehicle purchase. You can snap key features, colors, and   vehicles you are interested in. They’ll be more than
                              make notes about the items that are important to you. Let   happy to help.
                                 the technology work in your favor.

                             KEEP IN TOUCH                                 KEEP AN EYE ON

                             W/YOUR GROUP                                  YOUR LITTLE ONES

                             Many people visit the show with friends and family. As you   If  adults  can  find  themselves  easily  separated  from  the   13
                             can imagine, different people have different interests, so   group, imagine how easy it can be for kids. Children are
                             some in your group may choose to go a different way on the   focused on all the shiny stuff, so they’re not always paying
                             show floor and want to catch up later. Remember, there’s   attention to where they’re wandering. Just be sure you’re
                             over 500,000 square feet to navigate, and there’ll be thou-  watching their movements and discuss a plan with them
                             sands working their way through the show at the same   in the event they become separated from you. In the event
                             time you are. That can make it a bit tricky to spot others   your child becomes lost, notify the nearest security or law
                              from your group. So, make sure you pick a rendezvous   enforcement officer, as well as show management, and
                                 point and a meeting time to reconnect.        they’ll work to reunite you as soon as possible.
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