Page 33 - 2019 Auto Show Guide
P. 33

Georgia Tech’s Student Competition
        Center is the home to eight student-
        led engineering competition teams,
        and a few of these teams, like the
        EcoCAR Mobility Challenge, Wreck
        Racing  and  Georgia  Tech Solar
        Racing, design, build and engineer
        their own vehicles that they compete
        with.  The extensive machining
        resources available  at  the SCC
        make it a place where engineering
        innovations are fostered among
        hundreds of students.

        The EcoCAR Mobility Challenge
        The  EcoCAR  Mobility  Challenge  is  the latest   ergy efficiency, safety, and consumer appeal of   el-Based Design, a mathematical and visual
        Advanced  Vehicle Technology  Competition   the vehicle based on the needs of our selected   design approach using MATLAB and Simulink
        (AVTC) headline sponsored by the U.S. Depart-  target market.              already widely adopted in the automotive
        ment of Energy (DOE), General Motors (GM),                                 industry.  This assists teams in quickly and
        and MathWorks.  The Georgia  Tech EcoCAR   Teams will use onboard sensors and wireless   cost-effectively managing projects, collabo-
        team is one of 12 North American university   communication from the vehicle’s surround-  rating on designs and developing complex
        teams participating in this four-year (2018-  ing environment to improve overall operation   embedded systems.
        2022) competition.                    in the connected urban environment of the fu-
                                              ture. The team’s vehicles will include automat-  At the conclusion of the competition’s four-
        Over the course of the competition, the Geor-  ed  functions,  like  acceleration  and  steering,   year vehicle development process, the Geor-
        gia Tech team will work to re-engineer a 2019   and assumes the driver remains engaged with   gia Tech team will have designed and imple-
        Chevrolet Blazer to incorporate advanced pro-  the driving task and monitoring the environ-  mented a market-ready hybrid electric vehicle
        pulsion systems, electrification, and connect-  ment at all times.         with  team-designed  adaptive cruise  control,
        ed and automated vehicle technologies. This                                SAE Level 2 automation, and Vehicle-to-X con-
        re-engineering effort aims to improve the en-  In  addition, EcoCAR  teams  will  use  Mod-  nectivity.

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